How therapeutic food can be the game-changer in malnutrition treatment in the Indian scene?

That India’s healthcare system is in dire need of a vital upgrade is a no-brainer. For years, the institutions and stakeholders have toiled hard to formulate the magic formula which could redress the never-ending problem of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) prevalent among Indian children. Though the existing healthcare interventions have been in place and working in tandem with multiple stakeholders, the jury is still out on their effectiveness to deal with SAM . The issue of micronutrient deficiency has been prevalent and known, but not satisfactorily tended to by the institutional healthcare system. One of the crucial reasons for widespread U-5 malnutrition is attributed to inequitable access to balanced nutrition sources. These then make the group vulnerable to different infections and diseases, thus trapping them in a vicious cycle of malnutrition and ailments[3]. Extraordinary scenarios like these - 1 in every child in India is afflicted with severe wasting ...