The Role of Nutrition Education in Preventing Moderate Acute Malnutrition

Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) is a threat to children across the globe. MAM is currently affecting millions of children and world organizations have declared it a pressing issue that needs immediate attention. MAM is defined as a weight-for-height measurement that falls between 70-79% of the median of the WHO Growth Standard. It is a fatal condition and children prone to MAM have a poor quality of life. It is believed that inadequate food intake, poor quality of food, and repeated infections are the major underlying causes of MAM. However, this can be treated through a combination of nutritional and medical interventions, such as ready-to-use therapeutic food and micronutrient supplements. 50 million children under the age of 5 worldwide suffer from Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). Roughly translating to 13% of all children under 5 globally. Source – World Health Organization (WHO) While the treatment is well-known and effective, prevention is still ...