Lesser-Known Facts about Peanut Butter Manufacturing and Trade

When we think of peanut butter, we often envision creamy or chunky spreads perfect for sandwiches, snacks, or baking. However, beyond its delicious taste, the world of peanut butter manufacturing and trade holds a treasure trove of lesser-known facts that shed light on this beloved food product’s journey from farm to table. SURPRISING PEANUT BUTTER FACTS Peanut Butter is a Global Sensation Peanut butter is labeled a quintessential American food, but the popularity of this common breakfast staple extends across the globe with different countries putting their unique twists on this spread. In Japan, you can find it being called “peanut cream” with a sweet, custard-like consistency. Meanwhile, in Ghana, a spicy peanut sauce called “nkate nkwan” is a staple in many traditional dishes. The diversity of peanut butter products around the world is a testament to its versatility and adaptability to different culinary traditions. Peanut Butter is a Nutrient-Dense Food Peanut but...