How Our Factory Ensures the Highest Quality RUTF for Global Humanitarian Efforts

At Nuflower Foods and Nutrition, we are committed to one overarching mission: to fight malnutrition and ensure that children worldwide receive the nutrition they need to survive and thrive. As India’s leading manufacturer of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), we play a critical role in humanitarian efforts aimed at combating severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Our dedication to quality, from raw materials to finished products, reflects our values and is essential for creating trust among international partners, public health organizations, and the communities we serve. What is RUTF? RUTF, or Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food, is a life-saving solution designed to treat children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. It is a nutrient-dense paste, typically made from peanuts, milk powder, sugar, oil, and a combination of essential vitamins and minerals. This therapeutic food is shelf-stable, requires no cooking or refrigeration, and can be administered at home by caregivers, ma...