Moderate Acute Malnutrition - Signs to Look Out For
Malnutrition is a serious condition that affects children when their diet does not contain sufficient nutrients to support their growth. The leading causes of malnutrition are poor nutrition, reduced absorption of micronutrients, increased losses, or altered requirements. Malnutrition causes severe health issues in children under the age of 5 and in severe cases, proves to be fatal.
Moderate Acute Malnutrition, while not as serious as Severe Acute Malnutrition, is harmful to children because it increases child mortality and exposure to nutrition-related diseases. MAM can be due to a low weight-for-height (wasting) or a low height-for-age (stunting) or a combination of both.
Health Organization
causes short-term and long-term health problems
recovery from wounds and illnesses
● Puts children at a higher risk of
Moderate malnutrition is defined by moderate weight loss. When left untreated, moderate malnutrition can lead to severe acute malnutrition and cause serious health concerns.
The most obvious sign of moderate acute malnutrition is weight loss. A loss of up to 5% of weight in a time frame of 3-6 months can be a serious concern and needs the immediate attention of a health care specialist.
From general cold and cough to fevers and other issues, if the child is falling sick often, it means the immune system has been compromised as a side effect of malnutrition.
When it takes extra time for children to recover from illness, it is a sign that the child needs better immunity to bounce back to health. The lack of a good diet delays speedy recovery.
Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) is a less severe form of malnutrition that can be nipped in the bud and prevented from turning into Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). The easiest and most effective treatment plan any healthcare professional would suggest for MAM is the usage of RUSF - or Ready to Use Supplementary Food.
RUSF is a fortified peanut paste enriched with vital nutrients that help the child fight the effects of malnutrition, gain weight, and lead a healthier life. Nuflower is a leading manufacturer of peanut butter, RUSF, and RUTF products in India. As a key supplier of RUSF and RUTF products for World Organizations, we have been working to help children regain health through peanut-based supplements.
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